Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Writing pens for arthritis| Pen down your precious thoughts using one finger

There are a wide variety of illnesses and conditions for which therapeutic writing activities are of profound use. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of such conditions where patients feel relieved by putting their thoughts and ideas onto a piece of paper. While there can be many psychological benefits of this activity, but those who have lost their physical activity due to the effects of arthritis can make use the special writing pens for arthritis.
The special writing pens provide for improved ergonomics while greatly reducing the strain which occurs while writing and can render a more comfortable and firmer grip. Pens, which allow for a wider grip result in a lower downward pressure and eliminate the squeezing effect. Thereby, these make writing less straining for those suffering from arthritis.
On visiting the market, you would be overwhelmed by a wide assortment of pens having a wide rubber grip. These are a kind of an ergonomic improvement over the usual narrow pens. The ergonomically improved pens are designed for easing of the finger strain which results from note taking.
High degree of innovation
If there are several handwriting difficulties, you can look for more innovative products where you just use one finger to write what you want to. These pens are especially suitable for people suffering from a condition known as agraphia or dysgraphia. This condition is a genetic disorder whereby there is a neurological problem resulting in loss of the ability to communicate by writing. There may be a disability to spell or a motor dysfunction causing trouble in the writing expression.
Children having this condition cannot write by organising letters in a line while holding a pencil. Moreover, their handwriting seems to become messy. With the use of index finger writing pens available in various designs and styles, a person can write using one finger.
This pen is also useful for people affected by the carpal tunnel syndrome and other kinds of hand problems.
There is swelling, stiffness as well as joint pain associated with writing with a classic pen. With one finger writing, the chances of the fingers and the wrists getting injured due to undue strain are reduced to a great extent.
Use of the index pen
One can fasten the index finger writing pens for arthritis either on the top part of the hand or on the other side, as is comfortable. The pens are available in various colours and you can choose as per your preferences.
This is a versatile tool for writing for anyone who does not want to feel limited due to any impending medical condition. We all know that being able to write one's thoughts is much more therapeutic and valuable than using digital devices for typing. There are reflective ideas one wants to scribble at times. The discovery of innovative products has led to making things easier for everyone. After all, why can't one write using a single finger, when you can do the same for using your mobile gadget?
The best part is that you can buy the index finger writing pens online for reliable suppliers so that you can quality products making writing a cakewalk for you. The writing pens for arthritis are available at very reasonable rates.

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